A "divine" place...

Tavaszi belenus feltöltődés

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Tavaszi belenus feltöltődés

7 Chiefs Historical Adventure Park and Garabonciás Farm

History can be both play and adventure, especially when an interactive exhibition and exciting venue host this program. Learn about the customs of the Hungarian conquerors, see how our ancestors lived, and then embark on a real adventure on a farm where you can ride horses, pet animals, and discover the everyday life of a traditional farm.

7 Chiefs Historical Adventure Park and Garabonciás Farm

Game and Adventure – Going Hand in Hand

History can be both a game and an adventure, especially when an interactive exhibition and an experiential venue host such a program. Learn about the customs of the Hungarian conquerors, see how our ancestors lived, and then embark on a real adventure on a farm where you can ride horses, pet animals, and learn about the daily life of a traditional farm.

Imaginary Time Travel

In the 7 Chiefs Historical Adventure Park, every member of a multi-generational family can find enjoyable relaxation. The site features a gallery of Hungarian kings and a permanent exhibition of yurts, as well as the history of the region from the time of the Hungarian conquest, where visitors can learn interesting facts about Hungary while having fun. The exhibitions here are based on the latest archaeological and anthropological research and provide a new perspective on Hungarian history, relying on the most authentic historical sources available.

Life Comes Alive…

At the Garabonciás Farm, a 21st-century peasant farm comes to life, where visitors can learn about traditional animal and plant cultivation. This farm is not only a peasant farm but also a real experiential venue where visitors can ride horses, take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, travel on a hunting wagon, and even pet animals. Pecking chickens, chickens, sunbathing and happy pigs, gentle rabbits, spotted cows, proud Hungarian gray cattle, sheep and goats giving cheese, and carefree galloping horses await visitors here to forget the rush of everyday life for a while and bring a smile to our faces.

Further information can be found on the website of the 7 Chiefs Historical Adventure Park and Garabonciás Farm.

Our guests have written.

Wir haben uns in Ihrem Hotel wieder sehr wohl gefüht. Es war alles in Ordnung. Das Essen hat gut geschmeckt. Das Personal ist immer freundlich und hilfsbereit. Die Sauberkeit in den Zimmern war in Ordnung.

Lisette Agnes Ursula Berjnat

Unser Urlaub im Hotel, die Massagen, das Bad und natürlich das Essen waren exzellent. Sehr empfehlenswert und ein großen Dank noch einmal an das gesamte Team von dem Reinigungspersonal über den Empfang, Massage, Kellner, Köche und die Hotelleitung!

Mathias Bläser

Alles super. Zimmer, Essen vom feinsten. Ich kann dieses Hotel nur weiterempfehlen. Das Personal ist auch sehr nett.

Bochmann Thomas

Vielen Dank,wie immer ALLES TOP, alle Wünsche wurden erfüllt! Sehr Hundefreundlich! Bis bald!

Gabriele Obendrauf

Harmadszor pihentünk a Belenus Hotelben, és ismét nem csalódtunk. Nagyon kellemes, kényelmes, szép hotel. Kiváló személyzet, akik figyelnek a vendég kívánságára. Az ételek finomak és változatosak, a felszolgálók nagyon figyelmesek, gyorsak.

Szabó Kálmán
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