A "divine" place...

Tavaszi belenus feltöltődés

10%-os előfoglalási kedvezménnyel!

Tavaszi belenus feltöltődés

Hotel rules

Changes Regarding the Recording of Personal Data Effective September 1, 2021

We hereby inform you that in accordance with the applicable legislation*, from September 1, 2021, all guests using accommodation services in Hungary must have their personal data, as defined by law, recorded by the accommodation provider through a document reader at check-in, entered into the accommodation management software, and then transmitted to a storage facility, the Guest Information Closed Database (VIZA).

The data to be recorded includes:

To record these data, the guest using the accommodation service must present their identification card, driver’s license, or travel document to the accommodation provider. If the document is not presented, the accommodation provider will refuse to provide the accommodation service. Authorized by law, the accommodation provider is entitled to request the guest’s identification document, and the guest is obliged to present it. Failure or refusal to do so is equivalent to the guest not showing up at the accommodation at the start of the service. Therefore, if the guest does not present their documents, the general rules of breach of contract and the rules of cancellation of accommodation apply. Please plan your travel and arrival accordingly!

Thank you for your cooperation!


** Third-country national: persons as defined by Act II of 2007 on the entry and residence of third-country nationals

Our guests have written.

Unser Urlaub im Hotel, die Massagen, das Bad und natürlich das Essen waren exzellent. Sehr empfehlenswert und ein großen Dank noch einmal an das gesamte Team von dem Reinigungspersonal über den Empfang, Massage, Kellner, Köche und die Hotelleitung!

Mathias Bläser

This was our second time returning to the Belenus Hotel, and once again, we were not disappointed! It is a very cozy, friendly, and charming hotel with a superb little wellness area that perfectly crowns a weekend getaway, along with great food at every meal.

Flóra Fejes

Wir haben uns in Ihrem Hotel wieder sehr wohl gefüht. Es war alles in Ordnung. Das Essen hat gut geschmeckt. Das Personal ist immer freundlich und hilfsbereit. Die Sauberkeit in den Zimmern war in Ordnung.

Lisette Agnes Ursula Berjnat

Az egyik legjobb szálloda, ahol utazásaink során megszálltunk ( világviszonylatban!!!) Tiszta, tágas szoba ( szuperior), szuper a wellnes részleg (mi át sem mentünk a nagy fürdőbe), a reggelinél és vacsoránál bőséges a választék, az ételek nagyon nagyon ízletesek.

Glück-Molnár Marianna

Harmadszor pihentünk a Belenus Hotelben, és ismét nem csalódtunk. Nagyon kellemes, kényelmes, szép hotel. Kiváló személyzet, akik figyelnek a vendég kívánságára. Az ételek finomak és változatosak, a felszolgálók nagyon figyelmesek, gyorsak.

Szabó Kálmán
Further reviews I write a review


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